Finding a Profitable Niche

The first step in any online marketing strategy is to find a niche within which to operate. There are certain areas which are generally acknowledged as rich veins to be mined. Three of the most commonly quoted are:

  1. Anything to do with health
  2. Making money
  3. Running a home-based business

However, these topics are far too broad to exploit for the purposes of internet marketing. Feed those headings into a search engine and it will give you millions of related websites. I’ve just entered “health” into Google and been rewarded with a list of over 3 Billion Websites. (Yes, that’s THREE BILLION). This is obviously a very rich area for profit but how on earth can you compete in such a gigantic marketplace. The answer is to find a niche within that topic. I have now just entered a popular subject within health, “weight loss”, and received a result of 238 million. This is still massive but down significantly on the previous result.

We can come down further by looking at “weight loss through diet” We are now down to 39 million. “Weight loss through low calorie diet” gives us about one and a half million. As you can see by now, the trick is to begin with a subject with a huge customer potential and then work inwards until you find a niche with a lot of interest but little market penetration. This research will take time and effort, especially within a marketplace like the one I selected as an example, but if you are prepared to put in that time and effort it will ultimately be worth your while given the profit potential.

If you can find a niche which is of particular interest to you personally, that’s great, but it is not essential. I would, however, recommend that you don’t settle on something that doesn’t interest you at all, as you are going to be working with that niche day after day. We want to enjoy our work, not hate it! It may be necessary in your research to explore several themes within the umbrella topic until you find one which takes you down into an area which gives you a realistic chance to compete and make money.

There are, of course, many subjects from which you can begin your research which have a great deal of interest worldwide. One source of inspiration is the magazine stand in your local newsagent or corner shop. Any subject which has a following big enough to support the publication of a monthly or weekly magazine obviously has the potential to provide marketers with a profitable niche. Keep your eyes and ears open for anything which is capturing the public interest too. There may be the possibility of a hot topic to exploit from that source too.

Finding a profitable niche takes time, effort and research but, if you apply yourself to the task, the niche for you is out there somewhere. If the subject of internet marketing is of interest and you would like to know more, please CLICK HERE.

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