Internet Marketing Without the Internet

p0400601This short and slightly facetious article has been sparked off by my being without an internet connection for five days. On Saturday morning, Windows did a major update (mostly of Microsoft Office) which, for some reason, left me with no internet.

This sort of thing is very irritating and left me seething as I was in the middle of a couple of things which demanded an Internet connection. It was all the more exasperating as I had not requested such an update from Windows. In one sense, computers and computer-related technology are like cars. When they are working well they are great; when they play up they are both irritating and often very expensive.

Having no Internet set me thinking about what I could be getting on with in the meantime. In actual fact it was a bit of an eye-opener. I found all sorts of things I could do constructively for the business without actually going online.

I try to write one article every day. I was unable to post the articles but I was still able to write them. I have been preparing a video presentation which, again, I was able to continue to work on without the internet. Planning a new product launch does not require an internet connection either.

Although much of what we do is ultimately viewed on the internet most of the work is actually done off-line. This fact hadn’t really registered with me until now. Sorry to bore you with the meanderings of my mind and to explain why there have been no postings for the last few days. However, I now have my connection back so normal service will be resumed.

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