home business

Write Killer Headlines

In every form of marketing everything you do will be designed to produce a specific outcome, to get “a most wanted response” – to use a saying widely [...]

Be An Expert Internet Marketer

Perception is so important in dealing with other people in any aspect of human experience. In the field of internet marketing this is especially true. Your [...]

Creating Quality Content For Websites

Most visitors to your website will arrive almost by accident. Surfing the internet for research purposes of any kind is a bit like following a jungle track or [...]

A Unique Information Product

When setting out to create your own unique information product there are certain questions you need to ask yourself. Assuming you have decided on your niche [...]

Six Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Articles

When submitting an article to “Ezine Articles”, or other ezine sites or forums, there are certain questions you need to ask yourself about the probable [...]

Can eBay Be A Serious Business?

In this blog I usually write about issues relating to internet marketing. However, I was reading some articles about eBay the other day and decided that I [...]

Using Solo Ads

Once you have your niche, your product and your website up and running to promote that product, how do you go about it? Many of the early internet marketers [...]

SEO or PPC Strategy?

In the business of internet marketing there are two principal strategies for advertising and promoting products and services, these are SEO (Search Engine [...]

“What Exactly is Internet Marketing?”

This article is aimed primarily at anyone thinking of starting a business in internet marketing. Any new venture in any aspect of human life will have its [...]

The Internet Marketing Game

I encountered the phrase I have used as my headline a few days ago. I saw it on a website I was visiting. It set me thinking as I had never heard internet [...]