Tips for Traffic Generation

Business Strategy on Green Office Folder. Toned Image. 3D Render.A steady flow of traffic to your website is essential if you are going to generate income. Simple maths tells us that the more people who investigate your website, the more sales you are likely to make and the greater your profits. You might have the most interesting, enervative and good looking site on the internet, but if nobody goes there it is of no value whatsoever. Only if people find your site can it possibly make you a profit. The large international companies have money to throw at this problem; the average internet marketer does not have such financial resources.

They say that it takes money to generate money which is true, – up to a point. However, it is possible to make money without a huge initial outlay; indeed, there are techniques which will get people to visit your website with little or no financial investment on your part at all.

By exchanging links with owners of websites in a complementary field both parties will benefit. Obviously you wouldn’t do this if both sites were offering exactly the same products or services. However, if the two sites are offering different things within the same niche, both sites will benefit and customer awareness will be raised for both businesses.

Exchanging links will also increase your ranking within the search engines. The better your ranking with the search engines the more visible your website will be towards the top of the listings. This will then produce yet more traffic for your site.

I wrote in an earlier blog about the use of articles as a free means of promoting your website. I have found this particularly helpful in the past when money was tight. If you are able to write your own articles this is ideal as it will cost you nothing. However, if creative writing isn’t a strong point for you a quick search on the internet will show many, many freelance writers who will produce what you need for a very small fee. It will be a very useful skill if you can develop the ability to produce articles, reports even ebooks of your own. All that’s required is a bit of practice and a bit of research to see how others do it. It will be time and effort well spent in the long term.

A variation on the above is to produce your own newsletter for regular distribution to your customer database or to offer via your website. This is not as onerous a task as it might, at first, seem.  Search the internet for ‘PLR’(Private Label Rights) websites which will offer ready written articles which can be gathered together and issued in the form of a newsletter which will be both helpful and informative. If you can learn to produce the articles yourself all the better.

Communicating with others via online communities and forums within your niche can also open doors, give you ideas and, eventually, help to generate traffic for you. By exchanging knowledge and experience with other like-minded people you will create an online environment for yourself in which you can both earn and learn.

As you can see it is not difficult to bring traffic to your website without breaking the bank; and these are just a few of the possibilities available to internet marketers.

One comment
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