Article Marketing – Promote your products for free

Managing Reviews on Chalkboard with Doodle Icons. 3D Illustration.When I first began to explore setting up an online business, I was in a situation where money was very tight. Many of the effective ways to promote a product involved a financial outlay which did not guarantee an income to offset this outlay. This is hardly surprising, as no way of promoting any product can absolutely guarantee sales however good the product and however thoughtful and skilled your promotion may be.

To me, at the time, with a disabled daughter to look after, I felt that I could not justify making the sort of investment which was required. I was becoming more and more exasperated when, in my search for a solution, I hit upon Article Marketing. I explored this possibility with growing optimism. It soon became clear that article marketing would involve a commitment of time and effort to produce the articles, and time spent on research to get the best possible response from the search engines, but NO MONEY whatsoever. This suited me perfectly as I had the time and the skills to produce articles and do the necessary research but little, if any, disposable income.

There are online companies who will post your articles free of charge, – EzineArticles being a particularly popular and widely used one. By entering “Article Marketing Sites” into a search engine you will be presented with a list of companies who will post your articles for you. I suggest you use them all to get your articles as widely seen as possible. If you are able to produce a slide show presentation with PowerPoint or similar software you can also put your presentation on You Tube and similar sites, also free of charge.

The usual online advertising techniques, i.e. – Pay-Per-Click, Webads, etc. can be very effective but they can also work out to be very expensive, especially if you have little money available. If you are successful with your marketing this outlay will be recouped very quickly but you just can’t predict how successful you will be. For a start-up situation, Article Marketing is as good on option as you will find. Once you begin to make sales and bring in some profits, then you can turn to other forms of promotion as well.

Article Marketing helped me enormously when I first began to sell products on the internet. As I wrote above, there is an input of time, effort and research but there is no need to invest money until you are sure that your products are going to sell. Even then Article Marketing remains a good option, especially when launching new products.

Happy marketing!

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