Our Push Button Age

g0439791We live in a push button, immediate download, instant response, click here, me now society! People don’t just want things: – THEY WANT THEM NOW!! The sad thing is that life doesn’t really work like that. Anything worth achieving will usually take time to achieve. My musical colleagues involved in instrumental teaching tell me that it has become increasingly difficult to recruit young players in recent years. If they can’t pick up a saxophone and play “O when the Saints” after one 30 minute lesson many young people just don’t want to know. The regular commitment to lessons and practice which is required frightens off so many; – which is very sad.

When it comes to running an online business from home, it will not come together instantly. Apart from the need to learn the process and acquire the new skills required, choosing a niche, selecting a product to sell to that niche, putting together a sales campaign, all takes time. Just how long it will take will depend on how much time and effort you have to give to your business. This is very similar to the commitment required when learning to play a musical instrument. The lessons and the practice all lead to one day being able to do things well, whatever is the internet marketer’s equivalent of playing at the Royal Albert Hall. Patience and persistence are key words in the pursuit of anything worthwhile.

Some are drawn to internet marketing in the belief that great wealth can be created almost overnight and are horror-struck when they discover just what it is going to take to be a success. There is no doubt that considerable wealth can be generated by an internet business, as many are proving on a daily basis, but this will not come if the approach is casual rather than committed. The thinking of the Push Button Age and the thinking needed to develop any form of business just don’t go together at all! Even if you were to buy a ready-made business there would still be a steep learning curve and a lot of blood, sweat and tears involved in making it work.

You will get nowhere in internet marketing without the diligence of research. You will not find your hungry market unless you are prepared to look for them. You will not source your product to sell to that hungry market if you don’t take the time to look at the many options available and come up with the best you can find. You will not build a list of potential customers if you don’t take the trouble to attract them to your websites. Online business is simple, – but not easy. It certainly will not work without concentrated effort to make it work.

We may live in a push button, immediate download, instant response, click here, me now society, but if you wish to succeed as an internet marketer you must not succumb to that particular mind-set. Commit to the process, put in the effort and see it through to a successful conclusion. Happy marketing!


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