Self-motivation, Self-Discipline & Self-Belief

g0429290Many people will enthusiastically embrace the concept of internet marketing. They will explore the possibilities and say to themselves: “I’d like some of that, please!” They will sign up for some online programme or other, sit back and wait for the money to come rolling in. It isn’t going to happen! Starting any activity is often the hardest part. There are always new things to learn, planning to be undertaken and preparatory work to be done. Starting an online business from your own home is no different.

A half-hearted approach will not see you through to success. Working alone from home can be a lonely business and a full commitment is required. You will need:

Self-motivation which is so important as, without it, you are unlikely to maintain the momentum required to really get your business up and running.

Self-discipline which will be essential if you are to establish the consistency you will require to do what needs to be done..

Self-belief which will give you the strength of character to carry you through to ultimate success.

If you treat your online business as a hobby, it will reward you like a hobby. You might find it superficially fulfilling but it certainly won’t bring in the money. If you are looking to make your business your main source of income, your approach will need to be very well focussed or it simply won’t work. There will be setbacks on occasions so your enthusiastic attitude to the work must be strong enough to cope with those days so you don’t just give up in exasperation.

As a musician myself, I know, only too well, the importance of the three attributes named above. Setting out to learn to play a musical instrument or develop any musical skill is a tough ask which will require all three and much more besides. It is essential to have a crystal clear idea before you start of where you want to finish up; to know the sort of sounds you want to make and the sort of music you want to play. Without that you will almost certainly fail!

To succeed in any skill or sphere of activity it is vital to know exactly where you are going from day one. If you aim for the top and don’t quite make it you will still end up at a very accomplished level. Aim for mediocracy, fall short and you are nowhere. You must set out to “be the best that you can be” or success is likely to be elusive.

One other attribute to add to the three above is perseverance. This is equally true in marketing as it is in music. It is also true in most other areas of human endeavour. Make a promise to yourself that you will see it through whatever fate may throw at you. If you choose to set up an internet marketing business from home I wish you all the luck in the world, but do remember those three essential attributes; Self-motivation, Self-discipline and Self-belief

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