Blog For Fun And Profit

Blogging has become very, very popular in recent times and that popularity continues to grow by the day. Many blogs are run purely as a social outlet to share views, interests, information, etc. with friends and anyone else who wants to read. The vast majority of bloggers are not especially interested in using their blogs as a means of generating income but [...]

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Internet Marketing Without the Internet

This short and slightly facetious article has been sparked off by my being without an internet connection for five days. On Saturday morning, Windows did a major update [...]

Passive Income – Be Paid Many Times for One Project

One of the very first things that caught my imagination when I first began to explore the world of internet marketing was the concept of Passive Income. The idea that money [...]

Internet Marketing and Technology

It is extraordinary to think that the internet as we know it did not arrive until the 1980s and even then only came to prominence about a decade later with the boom in home [...]

Portrait of an Internet Customer

Whilst sitting at my computer thinking of what I could write about next, it occurred to me that all my articles, and most other articles I read from other writers, look at [...]

Cost Versus Value

Anyone who has gone through any kind of sales training will have encountered the issue of cost versus value. Budding salespeople are taught to always encourage their potential [...]

The customer is always right

It doesn’t take anyone new to internet marketing long to come to the realisation that the List (Customer Database) is a core issue of any online business. The importance of [...]

Email Marketing – Most Wanted Response

One of the most effective of all the ways to promote your products or services online is through the use of email marketing. Sending an email costs nothing so, from a [...]

Online Business – Ups & Downs

Every year sees more and more people turning to the internet with the intention of making their fortune. These people come from every walk of life, every income band and every [...]

Setting up an Online Business – 9 Critical Words

There are a number of vital issues which all new internet marketers should know about and understand. I have identified these by utilising nine critical words which outline [...]