internet marketers

Don’t let life pass you by

I had an early appointment this morning which meant leaving home at 8.00am. As I had only a mile to go I chose to walk. It was a glorious autumn/winter morning [...]

Putting Together a Sales Campaign

First of all, an apology to my regular readers for being a bit intermittent with my postings over the last few days. I am currently putting together two [...]

Affiliate Marketing – The Beginner’s Approach

Faced with starting an internet business, many of the new recruits are very likely to ask the question, “Where do I start with my online business?” Quite a [...]

Email Marketing

Email has become one of the most widely used forms of communication we have, especially within the world of business. The use of texting is the main rival to [...]

Do you work to live – or live to work?

I have encountered a couple of people who fall into the latter category, people who ‘live to work’. One former boss of mine comes readily to mind. His work [...]

Technical Skills for an Internet Marketer

There are two main sets of skills (if I can put it that way) which are necessary if you are going to set up and run an online business. The first is fairly [...]

What is success?

Exactly how do you define success? That is a question which would draw a wide variety of responses. Some people would think in terms of life-style, some in [...]


In the game of chess, the very best players have an ability that average players don’t! This is the ability to plan several moves ahead. An average player [...]

Write to entertain as well as to inform your readers

Whether you are writing for a webpage, an ezine article or a sales letter, try to entertain your readers as well as inform them. By entertain I don’t mean [...]

The Internet Marketing Start-up Kit

The idea of running a business on the internet has attracted many people in recent years. At a time when the vast majority of people around the globe have, at [...]