internet business

The Christmas Pantomime Season: – Cinderella

Once upon a time in a country very much like this one, there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. Now, Cinderella desperately wanted to go to the ball at [...]

Our Push Button Age

We live in a push button, immediate download, instant response, click here, me now society! People don’t just want things: - THEY WANT THEM NOW!! The sad [...]

Don’t let life pass you by

I had an early appointment this morning which meant leaving home at 8.00am. As I had only a mile to go I chose to walk. It was a glorious autumn/winter morning [...]

Affiliate Marketing – The Beginner’s Approach

Faced with starting an internet business, many of the new recruits are very likely to ask the question, “Where do I start with my online business?” Quite a [...]

Not so long ago in a country not so far away……..

Some years ago, in my early music career, I was on a concert tour in mid-France. I was travelling as a member of the chamber quartet, “Collage” with whom I [...]

What is success?

Exactly how do you define success? That is a question which would draw a wide variety of responses. Some people would think in terms of life-style, some in [...]

Find Keywords that Sell

There was a time when humans told computers what to do. It seems that, all too often in today’s world, computers now tell us what to do. We receive letters [...]

The Internet Marketing Start-up Kit

The idea of running a business on the internet has attracted many people in recent years. At a time when the vast majority of people around the globe have, at [...]

Put Your Online Business on Automatic Pilot

An appealing aspect of internet marketing to lots of people is the way in which the whole business can be automated. To many, the real incentive to become [...]

Landing Page Do’s & Don’ts

First of all let’s ask the question: “What is the purpose of a landing page?” A visitor will almost certainly arrive on a landing page having clicked a [...]